
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Important Steps to Take To Improve Your Home before winter

Winter is the time of the year your home means more to you than ever. This is because you will be forced to spend most of your timer indoors. Winter is also the time you are likely to see structural faults in the house you could not see during spring, autumn or summer. However, the most important thing is that winter is a cold season and therefore you must ensure that the house is as conducive as possible.

This means you must prepare adequately for the winter so that you can be as comfortable as possible. In this article, you will learn some 5 home improvements to do before winter.

Get a programmable thermostat

The conventional thermostats do not have the capability to dissipate heat according to the prevailing temperatures. A programmable thermostat dissipates heat according to the temperature within the house. This means that during mornings and evenings it dissipates more heat than it does during daytime when the temperatures are a little elevated.

The reason why programmable thermostat is good for winter is that it saves energy and therefore the bills you will be required to pay. On the other hand, some models are fitted with systems that can allow you to control them from a remote location using your computer tablet or Smartphone.

Insulate your water heater and pipes

To maintain the temperature of the water within the water-heating tank, it needs to be insulated so that it does not lose heat to the environment. During winter, the atmospheric air is too cold and this increases the amount of heat lost.

Insulation of the water heater and the pipes reduces energy loss and can maintain your water hot for longer periods. This will save you on energy bills. The insulation kits are readily available in the local stores.

Repair or fix your gutters and roof

The snowfall associated with winter times can have tremendous impacts on poorly maintained roofs. If they are worn out, take the earliest opportunity to refurbish them well before the winter comes because you cannot do this when it is already snowing.

In the case of the gutters, you can install heated cable systems under them. If the snow accumulates in the gutter system, the heated electric cable will melt it away and prevent blockages. If you cannot do this yourself then look for a technician to do it for you.

Cover all openings

During summer and spring, openings in the house are great in maintaining enough ventilation of the room. You may not have created these but they exist anyway. Look for them, find them and seal them before winter arrives. The importance of doing this arises from the fact that these opening can allow the cold air from the exterior to sip into the house and warm heated air to escape to the outside.

Carryout home decoration

As already been mentioned, you will spend a lot of time indoors during winter and therefore one of the most important winter home improvements is home decoration. You can start from repainting the house to a color that is inspiring and comforting. Add some handicrafts on the wall and some entertainment to beat boredom associated with having to remain indoors. 

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